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White Popolion Chain - Off-Topic - Tree of Savior ForumWhat is GTW?


Guild Territory Wars, or GTW, is a large-scale PvP event in Tree of Savior where guilds compete to control specific areas known as "Spot Areas".

In GTW, guilds strive to capture and secure these spots to earn various rewards when the event concludes.

This content is designed to give guilds more significance, encouraging teamwork within your guild and showcasing its strength!


  • Period: Every Sunday, 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM, Server time (PST)
    * Updated on June 11th, 2024

  • Participants: All Popolions in a Guild (All players on the Popolion Server)



White Popolion Chain - Off-Topic - Tree of Savior ForumParticipation as a Guild


To Participate


For your guild to participate in GTW, the Guild Master can change the participation status in the Guild window.

Change your Status to "Join" in the Guild Window settings.


* The participation status can only be changed by the Guild Master.

* When the participation status is set to "Join," the Guild Master cannot transfer their position to another member.

* The participation status cannot be changed from 5 minutes before a GTW session starts to 1 minute after it ends.






White Popolion Chain - Off-Topic - Tree of Savior ForumSpot Areas


The term Spot Areas refers to the field regions where GTW can take place.

GTW is divided into 2 different Leagues - Champions League and Challengers League - and the rewards for occupying the spot vary based on the League.


Spots in Maps

image             image

[GTW In-progress]                [Spot Area Not Seized]



Spot Areas and Access

League Spot Areas Connected Maps
Champions League
Genar Field
Altar Way
Pilgrim Path
Bridge Area
Tenants' Farm
Myrkiti Farm
Demon Prison District 1
Greene Manor
Baron Allerno
Tenants' Farm
Gytis Settlement Area
Myrkiti Farm
Challengers League
Salvia Forest
Rasvoy Lake
Khonot Forest
Sekta Forest
Thaumas Trail
Sventimas Exile
Sentry Bailey
Kadumel Cliff
Grand Yard Mesa
Nuoridin Falls
Namu Temple Ruins
Stele Road, Valius
Eternal Resting Place




How to move to a Spot Area


Once GTW starts, guild members participating in GTW can move to the Spot Area by following the green arrows from the connected fields.

During a GTW session, the "Territory Wars Location" option will be shown when moving to the Spot Areas, which will allow you to participate in GTW instead of going to regular fields.




* Upon entering a map, the player is given a 10-second invulnerability, unless the player takes an action.

* Each guild is limited to a maximum of 15 members per Spot.




Occupying a Spot


In each Spot, there is a Territory Tower that each Guild needs to occupy.

The guild that successfully occupies a Spot Area when the session ends is declared the session's winner!


image image


Press the Space key and interact with the Territory Tower for 5 seconds to seize the spot.

Occupying will be canceled if the character is being attacked or their movement is restricted during the interaction.


Upon successfully occupying the Territory Tower, guilds will continuously earn buffs that will give you an advantage during the battle.

As the duration of occupation increases, the effects of these buffs will also progressively increase:


  • You will gain 1 stack every 3 minutes (up to 5 stacks)
  • The damage you receive will be reduced by 10/18/24/28/30% per stack
  • The buff is removed upon leaving the occupied area, and upon re-entry, the buff restarts from 1 stack


* You will need to be close to the Territory Tower to successfully seize the spot.

* At the end of the session, the last guild to have seized the Spot is declared the winner, and the Spot Area closes after 1 minute



White Popolion Chain - Off-Topic - Tree of Savior ForumGTW Items


The Expedition Merchant NPC located in your Guild Hangout offers GTW-exclusive items that can be used strategically during the session.

These items are designed for use within Spot Areas, with the exception of the Warp Scroll.


Here are the Items:

Wooden Barricade

- Keeps attacking Guilds from trespassing for 600 seconds.
- Used only by the defending guild.
- Durability +20% when used by a Squire, Alchemist, or Pardoner.


- Shoots one or multiple damaging arrows at enemy guild members within range for 600 seconds.
- Single arrows include penetration, knockback, and stunning effects.
- Used only by the defending guild.
- Durability and attack +20% when used by a Squire, Alchemist, or Pardoner.

Siege Tower

- Structure you can ride while attacking enemy guild members and objects for 600 seconds.
- Up to 5 members can ride the tower to drive it and attack.
- Used only by attacking guilds.
- Durability and attack +20% when used by a Squire, Alchemist, or Pardoner.

Wide Regeneration Scroll

- Revives all guild members currently incapable of combat within the Spot Area with 50% of their HP and SP restored.
- Cooldown shared with all guild members.
- Crafted using the recipe sold by the Expedition Merchant (requires Soul Crystals as materials).

Recon Map

- Reveals the location of all members of the defending guild within the current map for 5 seconds.
- Used only by attacking guilds.


Status Ailment Resistance Potion

Removes all removable debuffs and applies the following effects when used.

- Immunity to Knockback/Knockdown for 5 seconds

- Immunity to all removable debuffs for 5 seconds

- Boosts movement speed momentarily. Movement speed returns to normal gradually over 5 seconds

- Can only be used in Spot Areas.



White Popolion Chain - Off-Topic - Tree of Savior ForumEnd of the Session and Rewards


At the end of the GTW session, the guilds that have successfully occupied each spot area will receive rewards.




These rewards are given in the form of items to the Guild Storage, representing a certain percentage of the market tariffs generated from the previous week's market usage.

The specific amount is determined based on the League:



Champions League Victory Guilds

City Tariff of 10% (Fixed)

Market Tariff (2.5% per Area)


Challengers League Victory Guilds

Market Tariff (2.5% per Area)